We're passionate about one thing... Your success
Board of Directors
Our Leadership Team is growing. We are looking for regional representatives that can help us better provide for ESD Professionals around the world. Interested in doing the work? Drop us a line to nominate a Board Member.
Michele Elefante
Board Chair
Sally Van Wright
Board Secretary
Sarit Arbel
Development Coordinator
Antonella Spatola
Australia/ New Zealand
Pamela Mussi Valdez
Adi Wimmer
Israel/ Middle East
Warren Lewis
Gentiana Susaj
Albania/ Europe
JB Ramos
Credentialing Committee
The IAESDP supports an independent, unaffiliated board of ESD Professionals, related industry experts, and representatives of the public who are tasked with making Credentialing, Accreditation, and Program Policy decisions, including best practices, minimum program curriculum requirements, and conflict resolution pathways for the industry. The Committee is maintained following the strict guidelines set by the National Committee for Credentialing Agencies and the Institute for credentialing Excellence. The Committee also meets the requirements set by the International Organization for Standardization (I.S.O.). It is through the work of this Committee that the IAESDP aims to establish the ESD methodology as the standard for all Self Defense instruction.