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Exam Handbook

Credentialing Exam Handbook Below are significant excerpts from the Exam Handbook. Click here for a PDF of the full Handbook. Note that the handbook PDF has some old links. We are working on an update that will be released soon.…

Core Competencies

Core Competencies The Core Competencies List (otherwise known as Subject Matter List) was created through an interactive process involving lively discussions among Advisory Council members, consultation with additional ESD experts from around the world, and staff research. **All Credentialing Materials,…

Continuing Education

Continuing Education with the IAESDP Meeting your Credential Requirements is as easy as logging in, selecting your courses, and training on your schedule. The Idea Bridge is the IAESDP’s continuing education and community portal. While courses are available to all…

Credentialing Committees

Credentialing Committees Credentialing Advisory Council The IAESDP, as a part of its obligations in serving the Empowerment Self Defense and Self Defense Industries, is tasked with supporting an independent, unaffiliated Credentialing Advisory Committee that involves ESD community members, related experts,…

Credentialing Exam Confidentiality Policy

Exam Confidentiality Policy All information received by the Association in the application materials are confidential. It is critical to the integrity of the Exam and the Association Credentialing Program that the Exam and all its contents remain confidential. Therefore, the…

Credentialing Program FAQ

Why does the IAESDP offer a Credentialing Exam? The International Association of ESD Professionals was formed, in part, to promote a common, well-recognized, global standard of what constitutes professionalism and competence for ESD instructors, curricula development specialists, researchers, advocates, and…

ESD Research and Citations

Research and Citations ESD is Evidence-based! The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. Check out the evidence! Empowerment Self Defense (ESD) Research and Citations Rape Prevention through Empowerment of Adolescent Girls Authors: Sarnquist, C., Sinclair, J., Arene-Morley, D.,…

Credentialing Home

What is an ESD Professional Credential? ESD professionals around the world embrace a shared purpose and core principles. The Association of ESD Professionals was formed, in part, to promote a common, well-recognized, global standard of what constitutes professionalism and competence…

Credentialing Exam

Applications are now Open! The Credentialing Exam Upcoming exam dates are October 22-29, 2024. Applications are due by October 8th.  Apply Now   The Credentialing Exam will is offered four times a year. Application Process Before filling out the application,…

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