Credentialing Exam Handbook

Below are significant excerpts from the Exam Handbook. Click here for a PDF of the full Handbook.

Note that the handbook PDF has some old links. We are working on an update that will be released soon.

ESD professionals around the world embrace a shared purpose and core principles. The Association of ESD Professionals (“Association”) was formed, in part, to promote a common, well-recognized, global standard of what constitutes professionalism and competence for empowerment self-defense (“ESD”) instructors, curricula development specialists, researchers, advocates, and other ESD professionals. The Association credential (called ESDP which stands for ESD Professional) will also distinguish empowerment self-defense from other types of self-defense.

The Credentialing Program was developed through research, consultation, and engagement with the worldwide ESD community following best practices for task analysis and exam development. The Association has established a standard that crosses borders, aligns with diverse cultures, and will effectively serve organizations of all types and sizes. Achieving the ESDP credential (“ESDP” or “Credential”) from the Association signals that a candidate’s practice is in alignment with the principles of ESD and that they have demonstrated professional competence, a commitment to social change and violence prevention, and high standards of ethical practice.

This handbook will guide candidates through the process of attaining the ESDP Credential, a formal credential that will recognize the ESD practitioner as an ESD professional.