What is an ESD Professional Credential?

ESD professionals around the world embrace a shared purpose and core principles. The Association of ESD Professionals was formed, in part, to promote a common, well-recognized, global standard of what constitutes professionalism and competence for empowerment self-defense instructors, curricula development specialists, researchers, advocates, and other ESD professionals. The Association credential (called ESDP which stands for ESD Professional) distinguishes empowerment self-defense from other types of self-defense.

The Credentialing Program was developed through research, consultation, and engagement with the worldwide ESD community following best practices for task analysis and exam development. The Association has established a standard that crosses borders, aligns with diverse cultures, and will effectively serve organizations of all types and sizes. Achieving the ESDP credential from the Association signals that a candidate’s practice is in alignment with the principles of ESD and that they have demonstrated professional competence, a commitment to social change and violence prevention, and high standards of ethical practice.


Are you ready for the Exam?

The Association recognizes that ESD professionals have a variety of personal and career experiences; a variety of skills, knowledge, and abilities; and with outlooks formed by varying international and cultural contexts. For these reasons the Association does not require any particular course of study or duration of experience to be eligible to apply for the Credentialing Exam. However, the Association recommends that candidates have a clear understanding of ESD principles and practices that are normally gained through formal ESD education and with experience teaching ESD.

Recommended Education and Experience

The Association recommends that candidates have at least 100 hours (or 2 years) of ESD training and teaching experience, combined, prior to taking the exam.

Education: The Association recommends that your ESD education involve the supervision or mentorship by suitable experts in the field, supplemented by additional independent study, private practice, or involvement in adjacent fields, as appropriate. Education may be obtained from any individual, organization, institution, or for- or not-for-profit corporation or business which provides ESD instructor training. Martial arts education is not required, though a thorough understanding of physical techniques and their execution is recommended for candidate success.

Experience: It is recommended that you have spent at least 50 hours teaching ESD (direct engagement with participants). This could include assisting an ESD instructor or as the lead or solo instructor in a class or workshop. Experience may be of any sort and carried out in any capacity. It is recommended that you have some experience in managing groups of at least ten students. Instruction experience can be paid or unpaid.

Regardless of the educational source or experience level, we recommend you thoroughly examine the subject matter covered in the Exam and review the Credential Handbook.

Review the Core Competencies

View the Exam Handbook

Exam Information & Dates

L'IAESDP propose l'examen d'accréditation 4 fois par an et les places pour passer l'examen sont limitées. Nous vous recommandons de vous inscrire à l'examen le plus tôt possible.

Applications Now Open

You can now apply for the Octobre 2024 Exam

Exam dates are Octobre 22-29, 2024
Applications are due by Octobre 8th

Other exam periods.
You can apply now for these periods as well, dates to be announced.
Please mark your preferred testing period on the application.

Period 1 2025 in Février
Period 2 2025 in Mai
Period 3 2025 in Août

Frais d'examen d'accréditation

We have created a tiered fee structure designed to meet the needs of our members and ESD Professionals around the world. If you need additional financial assistance, please note your needs in the application. If you have any questions, please contact us to talk about our scholarships and partner sponsorships.

Niveau 1

  • Annual Income Range: $60,000 USD and above

USD$ 400.00

Niveau 2

  • Annual Income Range: $40,000 - $60,000 USD

USD$ 320.00

Niveau 3

  • Annual Income Range: $20,000 - $40,000 USD

USD$ 240.00

Niveau 4

  • Annual Income Range: $10,000 - $20,000 USD

USD$ 160.00

Niveau 5

  • Annual Income Range: $5,000 - $10,000 USD

USD$ 100.00

Niveau 6

  • Annual Income Range: Below $5,000 USD

USD$ 60.00

Soutenir notre mission commune de mettre fin à la violence.

En 2022, l'Association a célébré l'inauguration de son programme d'accréditation, qui comprend un examen d'accréditation, une formation continue et des composantes d'accréditation.

Dans tout ce que nous faisons, notre priorité absolue est de faire progresser le travail des professionnels de l'EDD - votre travail - dans le monde entier et de renforcer la profession d'EDD au service de la mission que nous partageons tous : prévenir et interrompre la violence interpersonnelle.

Le programme d'accréditation se compose de trois parties :

Part 1: Credential

  1. L'examen. Pour obtenir l'accréditation, les candidats qualifiés passent l'examen d'accréditation.
  2. Titre. Après avoir réussi l'examen d'accréditation, le candidat reçoit un certificat ESDP (ESDP signifie ESD Professional).


Part 2: Continuing Education

  1. Renouvellement tous les trois ans. Pour rester à jour, les titres doivent être renouvelés tous les trois ans.
  2. Formation continue. Pour renouveler leur accréditation, les professionnels accrédités suivent des cours de formation continue.

Part 3: Accreditation

  1. Fournisseurs d'EDD accrédités. Les cours de formation continue peuvent être suivis auprès de prestataires accrédités (qualifiés) d'enseignement de l'EDD.
  2. Éthique de l'association et cours axés sur les affaires. L'Association proposera quelques cours de formation continue sur des sujets commerciaux tels que l'éthique et la gestion d'entreprise, mais la plupart des cours seront proposés par des organisations d'EDD et des instructeurs individuels dans la communauté EDD élargie, par les prestataires qui souhaitent être accrédités par l'Association.
Les 7 principales raisons de se faire accréditer