Credentialing Exam Handbook

Below are significant excerpts from the Exam Handbook. Click below for the full Handbook.

ESD professionals around the world embrace a shared purpose and core principles. The Association of ESD Professionals (“Association”) was formed, in part, to promote a common, well-recognized, global standard of what constitutes professionalism and competence for empowerment self-defense (“ESD”) instructors, curricula development specialists, researchers, advocates, and other ESD professionals. The Association credential (called ESDP which stands for ESD Professional) will also distinguish empowerment self-defense from other types of self-defense.

The Credentialing Program was developed through research, consultation, and engagement with the worldwide ESD community following best practices for task analysis and exam development. The Association has established a standard that crosses borders, aligns with diverse cultures, and will effectively serve organizations of all types and sizes. Achieving the ESDP credential (“ESDP” or “Credential”) from the Association signals that a candidate’s practice is in alignment with the principles of ESD and that they have demonstrated professional competence, a commitment to social change and violence prevention, and high standards of ethical practice.

This handbook will guide candidates through the process of attaining the ESDP Credential, a formal credential that will recognize the ESD practitioner as an ESD professional.